Journal of Manor & Estate History
The Current Forum for Danish Manorial History
Herregårdshistorie (Journal of Manor & Estate History) is the journal and annual review of Gammel Estrup The Danish Manor & Estate Museum and the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies.
Herregårdshistorie (Journal of Manor & Estate History) is published once a year. In addition, in 2018 the museum published a special edition – the book Fyrstelige måltider (Princely Meals).
Since 2018, the journal has featured a peer-reviewed theme.
From 2020, the articles in Herregårdshistorie (Journal of Manor & Estate History) will also be published digitally on the Royal Danish Library’s
Herregårdshistorie (Journal of Manor & Estate History) often contains articles in English.
The theme will often reflect the exhibitions at the museum or the projects in progress at the research centre.
The next years’ peer-reviewed themes will be:*
2024, Herregårdshistorie 20: | Estate landscapes |
2025, Herregårdshistorie 21: | Manors, formation and cultivation |
2026, Herregårdshistorie 22: | The manorial household |
2027, Herregårdshistorie 23: | Manors in the 20th Century |
2028, Herregårdshistorie 24: | The manorial middle ages |
*The themes and times may be subject to change
Other articles are also welcome
In addition to these themes, we also welcome articles on other topics. The only requirement to these articles is that the content is in the field of manor house history.
Interested in writing?
Anyone interested in writing a peer reviewed article is more than welcome to submit an abstract on ½-1 page (250-350 words) to Signe Boeskov, before November 1st.
Peer-reviewed, theme-based articles must be 10-12 pages of 2200 characters.
Are you interested in writing a shorter article on another subject, please send an e-mail to Marie Kirstine Elkjær,
Non-themed articles must be 5-6 pages of 2200 characters.
All articles are delivered every year before March 1st. All articles are subject to thorough editing. Thematic articles are also subject to peer review.
You can find more information and guidelines for authors in our manuscript guide. Download guide here.